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The Skills of an Effective Leader™

A Training and Development Workshop for Leadership Performance Excellence

Workshop Overview

Whether good or bad, the leader sets the tone in the workplace and directly affects worker commitment, job performance, and productivity. The Institute’s two-day interactive workshop, the Skills of an Effective Leader, provides a practical, hands-on process for both the new and seasoned 1st and 2nd level manager/leader to gain the knowledge and learn the skills and attitudes needed to create workplace environments that increase worker commitment and workplace productivity.

Our Process and Workshop Objectives

The Skills of an Effective Leader program is not a sit-and-soak event. Each participant will be engaged in the learning process and will be challenged to examine and learn specific tools that they can use to manage and lead people more effectively, in their real-life settings.

We Move Learners through Five Paths to help create Effective and Successful Leaders:

Path 1:         A look at the Practical Context for Leadership Theory and Skill Application

Path 2:         Experiential Development of Leadership Awareness, Attitudes, and Skills

Path 3:         Practices of Knowledge and Skills that create Transformational Leaders

Path 4:         Each Manager Develops a Plan for Personal Mastery of Leadership Skills beyond the Workshop

Path 5:         Establishing a Plan for Organizational Application*

* This applies to in-house programs only

One prominent leadership learning leader has pointed out that, \”99 percent of all leadership occurs not from the top, but from the middle.\” Ironically, leadership training has almost exclusively targeted leaders at the executive level. The importance of middle management leadership has often been overlooked, undervalued, or not delivered in a customized and powerful way.

We Make Sure You’re Protected Where Leadership Has the Greatest Impact!

Workshop Objectives

Our experiential learning model allows participants to:

  • Expand their understanding of what leadership is and is not
  • Master the principles and practices required to be a more effective leader
  • Understand the importance and use of vision as a high-impact tool in building and shaping follower commitment
  • Understand the important role of trust and how to build it
  • Understand the principles of influence and how to influence others
  • Understand the role of the team leader
  • Learn and apply our proprietary model for leadership in work-related situations
  • Return to work with a well-developed personal plan for mastery of the skills needed to be an effective leader.

10 Specific Reasons Why You Should Attend
Specific Features and Leadership Concepts You Will Learn

  • The CLIMB Model for Leadership Effectiveness
  • What Leaders Must Have to Succeed
  • The 2 Basic Questions Every Leader Needs and Must Use to Lead Effectively
  • The Kinds, Role, and Proper Use of Managerial Power
  • The Principles, Power, and Use of Creative Tension in Leadership
  • The 5 Styles of Leadership
  • Your Personal Style of Leadership
  • The Law of Employee Empowerment
  • The Behavioral Markers of the Effective Leader
  • How to Continuously Assess Yourself and Grow as a Leader


To register for the workshop, please complete our contact information form, and a member of our staff will contact you to provide the guidance to complete the registration process.

Cost: $ 1,200.00 per participant

Thank you for your interest in our training services.

Leadership is at the very heart and soul of

A businesses management and success.”

The Skills of an Effective Leader

Participant response to the question,
“To what extent did the session live up to your expectations?”

I expected to learn a more in-depth meaning of leadership and I did.”

“I am walking away with great tools.”

 “The course title “Skills of an Effective Leader” created the expectation that skills (tools) would be presented, discussed, and they were.”

“I have a plan and can relate what I’ve learned to become a more rounded, knowledgeable leader.”

“I was equipped with personalized information and tools to improve my leadership skills.”

“Exceeded my expectations since I do not supervise; but material was made relevant to other relationships.”

“Very relevant; since I lead 12 people and interact with a very large number of employees and managers.”

“Very helpful, but scary to a novice: much to learn, have far to go.”

 “Lots of information but presented very organized and in understandable components.  Activities good reinforcement.”

“The session broke apart the complexity of what skills are needed to become an effective leader. Taught me that leadership can be learned, it doesn’t just happen.”

“Very thought provoking and stimulating; great, detailed overview.”

 “The development of Personal Action Plan is a strong point.”

Information about Facilitators