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Train-the-Trainer – The Skills of an Effective Leader™

A Training and Development Workshop for Leadership Performance Excellence

Workshop Overview

For those clients who purchase the workshop and licensed our program, an option that many have found a useful delivery option is to have those in their organizations who can be trained to deliver the program.

The Institute’s Train-the-Trainer approach is client-focused and customized to provide our customer with a high-impact train-the-trainer solution that will ensure that those who are selected as “internal” trainers are equipped to deliver the program with competence and confidence.

Our Train-the-Trainer Certification Ensures Your Trainers

  • Understand the background and theory behind the content of the course
  • Effectively communicate key messages related to course materials
  • Understand and utilize interactive/experiential delivery techniques properly
  • Feel comfortable managing the topics included in the course materials



DAY 1 & 2
Up to five client trainees will learn about the content and material experientially as observers with our on-site trainer who will deliver the course material to a class of up to 18 people.

Our trainer will walk client trainees through the content and materials, visual aids, handouts, examples used, background, and theory behind the content, activities, role-plays, etc.

DAY 4 & 5
Trainees will conduct segments of the course content for one another on-site along with the Institute’s trainer who will observe and provide personalized critiques and delivery feedback and instructions. This can be done either with or without videotaping.

On the day of the initial delivery of the training program, our trainer will observe the program’s delivery and provide additional critique and feedback to the train-the-trainers. It is recommended that the initial session be co-facilitated by the train-the-trainers.

Deliverables for the Train-The-Trainer Workshop:

  • Training Manuals
  • PowerPoint Slides
  • Instructor\’s Guide
  • Icebreakers, Activities, & Exercise Files

Information about Facilitators